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Facebook Legacy Contact

When you have not properly planned for accidents, death, illness and the overall risks that can take place in your life, you often leave a mess for those you truly care about. When I started my career in insurance, I realized just how important planning, communication and managing the exposure to risk in your life really is. I am always taking steps to make sure that I keep my life organized, communicate with my loved ones and close friends about the things of value to me in order to not leave a mess or leave those that I love in the dark (not able to take care of my business or handle what is needed) if something were to happen to me.

I was listening to the ladies on Brown Ambition Podcast, who I listen to weekly (shout out to Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche and Mandi Woodruff of Yahoo Finance) and they dropped a little jewel about Facebook having a setting that allows you to add someone who can manage your page in the event something were to happen to you. I do not make many changes to my Facebook page so I did not know about this setting. I could be SO late (I think this was implemented last year) but I am sure I am not the only one! So, I am giving you the details.

For those of you who are like me and do use social media to connect and stay connected with friends, family and your network, I find the Facebook Legacy Contact to be very beneficial. If something were to happen to me, I know that social media, especially Facebook would be the mode of communication to let my circle of friends and business associates know. So, those of you that use social media on a regular basis, I suggest just adding this to your "estate planning". This simple click of a button can really help make it easy for the person managing your business in the event something were to happen to you.

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